Family Picture

Family  Picture

Thursday, May 7, 2009

May 12th. Please help bring awarness

To all my friends and family.. If you don't know anything about fibromyalgia please take time to educate yourself about what this disease is all about. I need all the support I can get.

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is May 12. This day promotes awareness and understanding of fibromyalgia, one of the most common types of chronic widespread pain in the United States.

More than 6 million Americans struggle with fibromyalgia, a real medical condition. It includes all-over muscle pain that can make it hard to do even day-to-day tasks. The pain may vary from mild to severe.

For many, the journey to diagnosis can be difficult. People with fibromyalgia may not know what is wrong with them or what is causing their pain. Diagnosis can take time. And even after a doctor makes a diagnosis, people with fibromyalgia need to learn how to manage it.

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day is also a good time to reach out to other people you know who suffer from chronic widespread pain or might want more information about fibromyalgia. You might consider sharing this e-mail with them as a start.

1 comment:

Bev said...

I'm learning more about it myself.....I found out you need to be in the hot tub....and I'm learning about the diet and exercise, etc. We have a few patients with it and it's BAD!! Good post!


Me and all my girls at the new kids concert


See we can ride horses


You know what I mean!!!


Oh How I love my mooches from my baby boy!!!!

Tanner and I at the park

I'm stealing a smooch from chuckles!

Montana Fun

Montana Fun


Sporting the BIGGEST catch of the day

The Catches of the Day

The Catches of the Day
Rylle and Tanners Fish


Catchin the rain

Rylle and I coloring at the museum

Me N Boo


Tanner and I at the Phx Zoo